Respect customers, understand customers, continue to provide products and services that exceed customer expectations, and be customers' forever partners. This is the service concept that we have always insisted on and advocated.

First, every step must be comprehensive and to meet the needs of customers. Stand on the customer's side to research, design and improve services. Improve the service system and strengthen pre-sale, sale and after-sales services. We attach great importance to customer opinions, let customers participate in decision-making, and treat customer opinions as an important part of customer satisfaction. Establish a customer-centric mechanism. Among them, the establishment of various institutions, the transformation of service processes, and so on.

Second, the customer is always the right principle.

Third, to the customer to be satisfied with three

Product Satisfaction: Refers to the customer's satisfaction with the quality of the product.

Service satisfaction: Let customers have a positive attitude towards pre-sale, sale and after-sales service.

Satisfactory corporate image: refers to the positive evaluation of the overall strength and overall impression of the public by the public.

Fourth, service 5S concept

“5S” refers to the abbreviation of the initials of the five words “SMILE, SPEED, SINCERITY, SMART, and STUDY”. The “5S” concept is the most representative service culture innovation. It not only has the characteristics of humanity, but also has considerable operability.

Smile: Refers to a moderate smile. A caring heart for the customer can make a real smile. A smile can express the tolerance of the heart and mind of the gratitude, and the smile can be cheerful, healthy and considerate.

Quick: Refers to “quick action”, try to be as fast as possible, don’t let the customer wait for a long time; second, the speed on the presentation, causing the customer to feel satisfied, so that they don’t feel that the waiting time is too long, and the performance is dynamic with rapid action. Let customers wait

Sincerely: If the shopping guide is sincere in his efforts to serve the customer, the customer will be able to understand it. Working in a sincere and not hypocritical attitude is an important basic mentality of the shopping guide and the basic principle of doing things for others.

Smart: refers to "smart, neat, neat". We accept customers in a clean and neat way, package goods with smart, agile and elegant movements, and gain customers' trust with flexible and ingenious work attitude.

Research: Always learn and be proficient in commodity knowledge.


Contact information   
Address: R & D Center: Room 1101, Building T4, Fangdacheng, No. 2, Longzhu 4th Road, Taoyuan Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.
Production base: Building 2-3, Northwest Hubei Renewable Resources Trading Center, Gucheng County Economic Development Zone, Xiangyang City, Hubei Province.
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